[. . . ] L b t q e n u n u tedn, os etn rue os itaet t os s os aet us os ovi e u u os os sommes fix est de vous surprendre chaque fois en vous offrant des voyages inattendus, des paysages improbables et de nouveaux champs d vasion. Et parce que la premi re responsabilit du conteur est de rassembler autour du feu, nous esp r n q e n s h s o r s a r n t u o r s ffisamment d me et de cur pour vous donner envie d y pancher un peu de votre os u o itie uot ojus u s i di a i a r . of mgnie N u r m r i n l s a t u s e a t s e q i n u o t dj p l u t l n d n c t e a e t r : Paulo Coelho, Moebius, os eecos e uer t rits u os n rt e r a e t a s e t v n u e Claude Laydu, Philippe Druillet, Charlotte Rampling, Senta berger Ce t a s i g e e x q e n u t o v n li s i a i n e l l n p u n u r n u e e s u s rc u u o s r u o s n p r t o t a o r o s e o v l r. i l os et os ohie n o oae Cetn vdogmsi awnefljb Gvn lf, vie sae adclust dem o pxl adagrtm i aget raig ie ae s odru o. [. . . ] Once enough players enter the game, there will be a count-down as the host begins the round. The setting for Primitive Wars is around 901 years in the Primitive Age. (You can spot Deka in black and white during the Demon scenarios. ) Deka starts to plan a revenge against Atamanta, dreaming of mass genocide. The Primitives move away from the barren continent into the Jurassic Island. . . . II - THE GEOGRAPHY 1 - GENERAL MAP 2 - TRIBES OF THE PRIMITIVE WARS 1. 1 Primitives / Structures Sanctuary : The Sanctuary is an important spiritual symbol for the Primitives. This is where Buildmen, those who are capable of creating structures, are produced. Once the structure is upgraded to a certain point, it can train the Primitives' strongest unit, the Chief. Units Produced Upgrades Buildmen Chief ­ requires Sky Increaser, Blacksmith Improve Gathering amount Improve Stone Tower Detection Develop Chief Fallout Reduction Level Up EXP 16 / 17 Land Increaser : This structure, built as a symbol of the Primitives' hope to increase their influence, increases the strength of the land units. By building this structure, the Primitives can create more fighting units. Upgrades Increase Powerman Movement Speed Improve Ground Primitive Weapon Improve Ground Primitive Armor Improve Bow Machine Weapon Improve Bow Machine Armor Stone Tower : Create them to stop unwanted intrusions by the other races, the Stone Tower can expose even hidden units that come near it. Power House : This building creates fighters that fight land battles, and hunt dinosaurs with ease. This structure also allows the creation of the Land Increaser, and is a necessity to make a strong ground force. Squadron : Flies using the wind, moving at the speed of the current wind. Careful : can only tolerate very little damage. Flat Top : The strongest flying unit of the Primitives, the Flat Top boasts firepower against both ground and air units. They receive orders from the Temple Gods, and lead their men into battle. They are also the only Primitives capable of casting spells, as the chosen ones of the gods. Special abilities : Fall Out ­ reduces hit points of the engaged enemy to 1 Morale ­ Increases the Attack and Defense of nearby friendly units. 2. 1 Elves / Structures Heaven : This emblem of the Elves, a structure dedicated to Utopia, is a sacred area in which the best magicians of the Elf are concentrates. Wizards with attacking capacity are created from Heaven, and these characters help build structures for the Elf Tribe. Units Produced Upgrades Wizard Angel Elf ­ requires Library Study Gathering amount Study Bubble Detection Reduction Level Up Exp Blue Hall : As a symbol of the Earth, this structure creates and helps attune animals (horses) to the elves, and can create Rangers, Elves with the ability teleport things on the ground. Cavalier Units created in the Blue Hall have the highest mobility and rush capacity. Units Produced Ranger Blue Elf ­ requires Blue Library Mana Hall : It is an area with a high concentration of Mana that the Elves use. This structure can create Faeries, and Mana Spreads that can provide Mana to elves on the Battlefield. [. . . ] Volcanos will spray lava against all enemies within striking range and can attack both air and land units. Death Den : This is where victims of swamps and marshes are raised back as warriors of the undead. The corpses rise as skeletons, and the spirit of the dead are implanted into piles of mud. Units Produced Skeletons MudMen ­ requires Dirty Portal Fly Den : This is where the remains of dead air units are kept. [. . . ]